Saturday, 2 July 2011

Exeter, yo!

Arrived 20 minutes ago. Exhausted. My room is on the ground floor and these are photos of my room that I took using the camera on my PC because I couldn't bring my digital camera.
My next door neighbor is a Thai girl and she told me there's another Thai person on this floor.
Coming from Heathrow was the Chineseest experience I had so far. I met the taxi driver and he told me we have to wait for another two students. They both turned out to be Chinese. On the way here, another two came in. Both Chinese. As we, 1 Japanese/British and 4 Chinese, waited for the accommodation to be sorted out, some residents passed by and most of them were Chinese. They are everywhere!!!!!!

My sheets are very pink.


  1. Great! Looks like you have a nice room! You are lucky to have Chinese and Thai roommates! They will be very quiet and not troublesome. You can take charge and show them the ropes since you know your way around.

  2. The Chinese people I came here with don't live on my floor. I only know the two Thai peopleas of right now.

  3. Well, get some rest and then hit the streets and see what's up. Take the Thai girls with you and give them a tour!
