This is a bird nest. I had seen something like this on a bird book but was the first time to see one for real. It unfortunately didn't have anything in it.
We got there, read the contract, signed it, and walked in to the forest...
There waited a shack with lots of equipment...
Actually, the storm the day before knocked down a tree and fell on one of the course so we took the shorted course but it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
My knees were all shaky at first but after a few whizzes, I began to have fun. The most thrilling part is when you gently jump off. It feels like suicide although you know it's completely safe.
When I say "safe," There still is a good chance of losing a finger of two. If your finger touches the rope, that would be the end of it. We were told that it's safe if we hang on the top part of the pulley. But if you are brave and let go of the pulley and try to grab it at the end of the ride, you will most likely miss the pulley and grab the rope. So we were told to hold the harness.
Two instructors assisted my dad and me which was awesome because they took good care of us. They were both very nice.

We were 50 meters up in the air and it was impossible for me to let go of the handle. Dad was pretty brave in this photo but he was more scared than me most of the time! Haha!
We went whizzing from tree to tree and it felt like hours but it was actually no more than 30 minutes. At the last tree, we had to get down.... I thought this part was the most scary because ti was pretty much like free falling. The instructors were controlling the rope, of course.
After we got back down with our feet firmly on the ground, we were given water and rested for a while.
This is the other instructor. He was a very cheeky monkey. Literally.
That was the end of the Flight of The Gibbon. We came down from the forest and had lunch by the lake with a British couple who also did the adventure. They had been traveling around Asia for 5 months because they had saved up enough money and they wanted a break from everyday life. They went on the Siberian Train, went to Beijing, Singapore and other places and their stories fascinated me. Japanese people need a long holiday and refresh. :) They agreed to my dad when he said "traveling is the fastest way to have experience." 

We were 50 meters up in the air and it was impossible for me to let go of the handle. Dad was pretty brave in this photo but he was more scared than me most of the time! Haha!
I thought that was the end of the adventure.
After we had a rest, the instructors said we were going to do another kind of fun.
We climbed ladders, walked on swinging bars and did other exciting stuff that is hard to explain in words. I will port photos of it below this post. This took more time than whizzing the trees.
We were called by a staff that the van was waiting for us. We said goodbye to the couple and got on the van.
The plan wasn't to go back to the apartment...
The van took us to a beautiful hotel...
We rested for a while and went out, bought drinks and sat by the beach. It was very nice!!
This photo looks like a scene from Lost, dad said.
I'm totally hooked on Lost. I watched 3 out of 7 disks. As dad says, it's "moreish". Once you start watching it, you want more more more MORE of it.
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